Why ‘Someone’s Listening?’ … As a screenwriter Im have written numerous screenplays, short and feature lengths.

Someone is listen to me, but not Film or TV producers… Each time I contact anyone within Film or TV industry regarding any of my screenplays, their reply is; “WE DO NOT ACCEPT UNSOLICITED SCREENPLAYS”

Someone suggested, that I send one of my screenplays to Austin Macauley book publisers. to be truthfull, I did not hold out much hope of even getting a reply, but I thought, what the hell I’ve got nothing to lose. I sent Austin Macauley, not one screenplay but three. To my surprise and delight within one week I was offered a Book Deal for “WHISTLING IN THE DARK” and, a commitment from Austin Macauley to publish my two other screenplays.

So, back to this comment ‘Someone’s Listening’, well it’s not Film or TV companies listening after all, They do not accept unsolicited screenplays (what a joke)… If I had an agent who accepts screenwriters it would be different, but alas I have tried to get an agent who accepts screenwriters what do agents tell me, you’ve guessed “WE DO NOT ACCEPT UNSOLICTED SCREENPLAYS”

So there you have it,


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